Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack
Wires Crossed: An Interlude

Wires Crossed: An Interlude

Weekly writing prompt: Spare Parts
I woke up Tuesday morning and the notepad I keep on my nightstand read in all caps, “URGENCY” and “DESPARATION”, followed by lowercase, “the cure intro”.  It took me a bit to figure out what sleeping self was trying to tell waking self with that last part. I think I was trying to say hold out on the vocals for way too long ie. The Cure in Pictures of You? Who knows? Sleeping self is a fucking weirdo. 
This tune: I have been thinking that at some point I might take some of these tunes, finish them, have an actual person that knows how to properly mix music fix/mix them,  and turn it all into an album. Which led me to think about order, flow etc. Which in turn ignited my love of a good mid-album interlude. A palate cleanser if you will. 
The result of these two events ended up with this song. Wrote & recorded Tuesday evening during that wicked thunderstorm. So very thankful for rain! Please send more. There’s a legit thunderclap right before the vocals come in and I didn’t dare edit it out. 
It was great to be done with this one so early and really get to sit with it and get to know it. I originally had other plans but after absorbing it for a few days decided to leave as is. A guitar and some cellos haunting the shit out of this echoey house. The overtones of dissonant cellos is pretty much the best thing ever, in my opinion. 
There’s a whole lot of imagery that develops when I lay down and listen with my eyes closed. I don’t want to plant any predisposed images in your head so I won’t tell you what visions come to me, but I’d love to know where this takes you/what you see. Feel free to drop in comments or shoot me a message if you’re shy.
Thanks again for listening and following along on this adventure. This is fun!

P.S. How fucking cool is the bridge on this guitar!!!??? It's a 1930 Roy Smeck Grand Concert with Charles Lindbergh commemorative aeroplane bridge. Because that was a thing! 

Wires Crossed
Dropped or lost
Kicked across the floor
Spare parts
I ain’t got lots left to use
Wires crossed
Message lost
Broken hearts
Count your loss
I ain’t got lots left to use

Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack