Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack
Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Weekly Writer's Prompt: Find A Way In
This one was a push to get in on time! Work travels gettin' in the way. I may go back and tweak some things at some point but the proverbial show must go on! It started to rain during the classical guitar take so I took advantage of it. 
Stuck around these parts when the wind had left your sails
Hidden in your heart left hanging from a nail
It feels heavier than expected when held in your hand
Who did you dare let in in hopes they’d understand?
Used to let them run wild as you cut your tooth
What once was sharp as knives now dulled from overuse
Don’t let them catch you flat footed alone after dark
Best keep your wits about you before you fall apart
The same key that cut your finger is the ghost that bit your tongue
What was once an empty hall now completely over run
Every inch now shadows slowly caving in
Who let them find a way in?
Who let them in?
Let your guard down once or twice before
A broken promise to yourself as you’ve done it once more
Weighs heavier than expected when held in your hand
What was once so neglected now harder to command
Who did you dare let in In hopes they’d understand?
Who did you let in & hope they’d understand?
Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack