Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack
Neptune Rising

Neptune Rising

Weekly prompt: Subtle Shift
Howdy folks! Happy Labor Day. I hope you remembered to leave cookies out last night for the Union Reps. 

This song was inspired by the two astronauts stuck in space that went up in June for 'eight days' and now can’t come home until February. I can't fucking imagine. Even if I liked that person prior to going up there. If I was not prepared to be with them for almost a year....yikes & yikes.

This got me thinking about seeing that person in our confined quarters, breathing the same stale air, every day. You start to notice subtle shifts in behavior. Repeat this ad nauseam to a point where you start to think this person is slowly going mad and possibly plotting to kill you. 

You then decide you might have to act first. 

I imagined these words, the final entry in the Daily Log. Never to be seen, on a lifeless ship, spiraling through the universe. This song, a lost static fuzzy transmission.

When you get out of your own way
Were you surprised by what remains?
And what was left behind
What felt the same and what has changed

A moment lifts

A subtle shift upon your lips

It's easy to miss

When you feel it in your bones
Know that you're not alone

Aaannnd scene! 

Thanks as always for flying along!

My spaceship:

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Mark Archer