Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack
Empty Tomb

Empty Tomb

Weekly writer's prompt: Unlikely Haven

After last week's song submission I had thought of maybe doing a soft, pretty acoustic number.  However, the prompt 'Unlikely Haven' instantly sent my mind to a place of solitude where I realized my true, unlikely haven is the one where I retreat into myself, which in turn led to the visual of being so gutted by the traumas in life as to where you feel like there's nothing left inside, which consequently (and conveniently for this metaphor), opens up some real estate to retreat into one's own hollowed out shell. 

That's some heavy shit!  I had no intention on going this bleak with it, but here we are. An unlikely host. An unsuspecting ghost, visible under a full moon.

Defenses deployed!

Find comfort in the void

Vacant corner in a crowded room

My solace is an empty tomb

My body is an empty tomb

Sometimes yours to use

Don’t worry I got room

You can put it to the test

If not impossible

Unlikely at best

I was emptied long ago

The raiders came and went

But it wasn’t all a curse

When they left me for the worse

An unlikely host

An unsuspecting ghost

Can be seen under a full moon

My solace is an empty tomb

My body is an empty tomb

Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack