Mark Archer’s Substack
Mark Archer’s Substack
Always The Same

Always The Same

Weekly Writing Prompt: Rediscovery
I had a very full weekend recording dobro on a friend’s album at Black Bear Studios. Set everything up Friday night for a very productive Saturday & Sunday. We had a group of some seriously talented folks in that room and I can’t wait to hear the end result. I did manage to sneak this tune in the two mornings before heading into the studio. I knew I wouldn't have a ton of production time which I think in the end some how crept into the composition and structure of the song itself. That is weird to wrap my head around, the practical self effecting the creative self. Efficiency! 
This tune: A friend and I were discussing the cyclical nature of good and bad behaviors and the impact upon one's self. I jotted down some thoughts during our chat which I chopped down into this tiny poem:
It's always the same
What gets you on, sets you off
Sun bleeds through the blackout shades
Only reprieve is when it rains
When you're on your own can't it feel so hard
To rediscover things you thought you already solved

My view from the weekend.

That one on the bottom is new to the family. All mahogany L-00. I love me a featherweight 12 fretter. Thanks as always for following along. Have a great week y’all.

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